Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday is for worship.

Mrs. Perumalythoma exited home at 5:30 this morning.
To participate in a 10 km run.
(For which she travelled 50 km to and fro.)

She came back, caught hold of unfortunate Family Dog,
gave him a scrub and shower.
Then (thankfully) took one herself.

Now she's in the kitchen, singing loudly.
And intends to go shopping in the evening.

Mr., as in self, read all the Sunday papers.
And is considering resting for the rest of the day.
To recover from the effort.
[Dozing on the couch with IPL on,
sounds like a plan.]

Go shopping?
Why can't we devote Sunday to worship?
Just worship self?

P.S. Here's more on the IPL.


  1. The best way to spend the day! Worship self!

  2. Yeah once in a way it should be self worship

  3. Looks like a lot of it is happening.
    Long time no see.
