Saturday, September 23, 2006

Live Life Kingsize

“The neelakurinji’s bloomed after 12 years.
Let’s go check it out”, I told the wife,
from within the newspaper.

“Hey, let’s go stay in Hampi awhile”,
I said, 23 minutes later.

“We should watch the World Cup in the West Indies.”
I agreed wholeheartedly with the guy.
And we chugged a few more.

“It would be nice to just do nothing but read for a week.”
Statement made when she asks me to draft application.
To the local electricity office.

“When can we stop having to work for a living?”
With a friend during a morally high weekend.

“I think I’ll walk to Gokarn via Sirsi” – self.
“Isn’t that a few hundred miles?” – wife.
“But I want to do it, my heart tells me to!” – self
“Shut the door when you leave.” – wife.

I stepped out, backpack and all.
I shut the door.
Decided to check the mailbox on my way out.
The phone bill, the electricity bill, credit card bills,
the net bill, the newspaper bill, the milkman’s bill,
the car EMI reminder, the insurance reminders,
the home loan insurance, the mechanic’s long overdue bill….

I picked them all up and walked back in.
And she was making lunch for both of us.


  1. lol! life's funny. I think it entertains itself every other minute at our expense. But it does bring a smile to our faces as well. Mostly.

  2. for Jonathan.
    A round of applause for Jonathan.

  3. And now you know what they mean by going postal.

  4. Tony, you're just awesome! Why don't you try writing a novel? Would be entertaining for sure.
